Beautiful Winter Skin
October 15th, 2015
With winter fast approaching its time to think about protecting your skin, both internally and externally from the elements.
There is nothing more drying for the skin than going from the cold autumnal air into a warm room and then back again. This constant change in temperature and exposure to the outside elements means at this time of year our skin has to work twice as hard to mainting its moisture and health.
From within…
One of the best internal skin foods is Flax Oil, it is rich in omega 3 oil which is great for the skin. Hemp oil is also a great skin food as this has a great balance of all of the essential omega oils that are essential for skin health amongst other benifits. Flax oil is available from Scoopaway from £5.69 for 250ml, and Hemp is available from £6.19 for 260ml. Also, dont forget the importance of drinking plenty of Fluids throughout the day, especially water.
External care…
Nothing beats a good protective moisturiser and finding one that suits you is the key. For the face, Scoopaway sells various moisturisers, from Burts Bees Day Cream and Night Cream to Weleda Wild Rose Day Cream. There is also moisturiser from Jasons, Avalon Organics, Amphora and Faith in Nature, prices start from £5.45.
Don’t forget to protect those lips as well with lip balms in Scoopaway starting from £3.69, in various different flavours.
Hand cream is another essential at this time of year. Weleda Skin Food is possibly the most nourishing moisturiser in store at Scoopaway, and this can be used on the face and body too and is £8.49. Weleda Sea Buckthorne Hand Cream is a lovely silky alternative, with other hand creams available from Burts Bees, Jasons and Avalon Organics, prices start from £6.99.
For the Body…
Dont forget that whilst the body is protected from the elements by clothing, rapid changes in temperature can dry out the skin.
Jasons provide several body moisturisers available in store at Scoopaway from £6.99 and in several different scents such as Rosewater, Lavender, Apricot, VCitamin E, Vanilla, Cocoa Butter and Aloe Vera. Other moisterisers are also available from Avalon Organics, Amphora, Weleda and Burts Bees, with prices starting from £6.99.